Friday 5 September 2008

BB's Darnell & Sara cuddle before evictions

'Big Brother' housemates Darnell and Sara have been cuddling under a duvet ahead of Friday night's grand finale.

According to the show's official web site, the pair snuggled up together under a eiderdown on a couch in the living room.

Darnell said to Sara: "You were so funny in your rap today."

She replied: "Did you think it was funny?"

He then aforementioned to her: "I thought it was just the cutest thing, your whole look and everything."

"You just looked care that lady friend you hang with when you're 15. Like you rode over on your bike and knocked on my threshold, and my Mom opened the door and you're like, 'Is Darnell there?'."

Read our 'Big Brother' blog here.

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